Less than 39 of the orange trees were lost during the frost last month.

Write and graph an inequality for the situation above

would the answer be x<39 or x<-39

please help asap!


You're welcome.

Thank you!

To write an inequality for the given situation, let's assign a variable to the number of orange trees lost during the frost. Let's call this variable "x".

Since the statement says "less than 39 orange trees were lost," we can write the inequality as follows:

x < 39

This inequality states that the number of orange trees lost (x) is less than 39.

Now, let's graph this inequality on a number line. Here's how you can do it:

1. Draw a horizontal line and mark a point to represent 39.
2. Since the inequality is strict (x < 39), place an open circle on the point representing 39.
3. Shade the interval to the left of the open circle, indicating that any value less than 39 is a valid solution.

The resulting graph should show an open circle at 39 and a shaded region to the left.