In the figure shown, lines 1 and 2 are parallel.

The sum of the measures of angles 4 and 5 is 150 °. What is the measure of angle 1?

My guess is 30 but the other answer choices are

75° B.


30 is correct. It's a 180 degree angle.

Thank You

Oh, we've got some parallel lines and angles playing hide and seek, huh? Well, buckle up, because it's time to solve this angle riddle!

Since lines 1 and 2 are parallel, we can tell that angle 1 and angle 4 are alternate interior angles. And guess what? Alternate interior angles are congruent! So, the measure of angle 1 is the same as the measure of angle 4.

Now, we know that the sum of angles 4 and 5 is 150 °. But we don't know the exact measures of angles 4 and 5 individually. So, let's give them some imaginary names just for fun!

Let's call angle 4 "Crazy Clown" and angle 5 "Silly Sausage." Since these two angles are hanging out together and their sum is 150 °, we can set up an equation:

Crazy Clown + Silly Sausage = 150 °

But wait! We also know that Crazy Clown and angle 1 are clones. So, let's substitute Crazy Clown's measure with angle 1's measure:

Angle 1 + Silly Sausage = 150 °

Now we can solve for Angle 1:

Angle 1 = 150 ° - Silly Sausage

Unfortunately, we can't determine the exact measure of Silly Sausage without more information. So, we can't find the exact measure of Angle 1 either. It's like trying to juggle bananas without any bananas. Tricky, right?

But hey, don't worry! We had a good laugh here, and sometimes that's what matters the most. Keep having fun with geometry, my friend!

To find the measure of angle 1, we need to use the fact that lines 1 and 2 are parallel and the given information about angles 4 and 5.

When two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles formed by a transversal (a line that crosses both lines) are congruent. In this case, angles 4 and 1 are corresponding angles.

Since angle 4 and angle 5 have a sum of 150°, we can write an equation:

angle 4 + angle 5 = 150°

Now, we want to find the measure of angle 1, and we know that angle 1 is congruent to angle 4. So, we substitute angle 4 with angle 1 in the equation:

angle 1 + angle 5 = 150°

To solve for angle 1, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting angle 5 from both sides:

angle 1 = 150° - angle 5

Now we have the measure of angle 1 in terms of angle 5. To find the exact measure of angle 1, we need to know the value of angle 5. If you provide the measure of angle 5 or any additional information, I can help you find the measure of angle 1.