Can anyone simplify what deductive reasoning is? I know what inductive is, but i dont understand deductive reasoning. can anyone help? i need answers asap

this isnt helpful it says its an unsafe site and wont lemme in

Here's another.

You can always go to and enter "inductive deductive reasoning" and find LOTS of explanations. If one doesn't make sense to you, try others.

Of course! I can help explain deductive reasoning to you.

Deductive reasoning is a type of logical thinking that starts with a general statement, known as a premise, and uses it to reach a specific conclusion. It is often described as moving from the general to the specific.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to use deductive reasoning:

1. Start with a premise or set of premises: These are general facts, principles, or assumptions that are believed to be true.

2. Apply a logical rule, or a set of logical rules: These rules help you make conclusions based on the given premises. For example, if you have a premise that "All humans are mortal" and another premise that "Socrates is a human," you can use the logical rule that "If all humans are mortal and Socrates is a human, then Socrates is mortal."

3. Draw a conclusion: By applying the logical rules to the given premises, you can arrive at a specific conclusion. In the example above, you can conclude that "Socrates is mortal."

Deductive reasoning is often associated with syllogism, which is a three-part deductive argument consisting of two premises and a conclusion. However, deductive reasoning can also be used with more complex arguments.

It's important to note that in deductive reasoning, the conclusion is guaranteed to be true if the premises are true and the logical rules are applied correctly. This is known as valid deductive reasoning.

I hope this helps clarify what deductive reasoning is! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.