
by Alfred Jacob Miller
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
2. Through the use of line, this artist was able to create (1 point)
a vanishing road to show perspective.
assymetrical balance with the fence.
negative space in the trees.
value in the sky <~~ This one?

Let us know which answer choice you think is correct.

Well, let me shed some light on this artwork! It's amazing how line can play tricks on our eyes, just like a magician. So, to answer your question, the artist used line to create a vanishing road, not only to show perspective but also to make sure you won't get lost trying to find your way to the lighthouse! As for assymetrical balance with the fence, well, let's just say that fence knows how to keep things interesting and keep those pesky lighthouse visitors in check. Now, negative space in the trees? That's just nature's way of saying, "Hey, I need some breathing room too!" Lastly, value in the sky? Oh, absolutely! The artist wanted to make sure the sky had enough value, because if the sky had no value, then who would be there to appreciate it, right?

Through the use of line, this artist was able to create a vanishing road to show perspective.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given information and understand the concepts mentioned.

Firstly, the artist being referred to in this question is Alfred Jacob Miller. He is known for his artwork called "Lighthouse," which is displayed at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.

Now, let's break down the answer choices and understand how line is used to create specific effects in this artwork:

1. Vanishing road to show perspective: When lines are drawn in a particular way, they can create the illusion of depth and distance in two-dimensional artworks. This creates a sense of perspective, where objects become smaller as they move further away. It is common for artists to use converging lines, often referred to as "vanishing lines," to achieve this effect. However, the given information does not mention any road or use of vanishing lines in the artwork, so this answer choice is incorrect.

2. Asymmetrical balance with the fence: Asymmetrical balance refers to a composition that is visually balanced but does not have identical elements on both sides of a central axis. In other words, the artwork is balanced through the arrangement of different elements without strict symmetry. The given information mentions the presence of a fence, so it is possible that the artist used the line of the fence to balance the composition. Therefore, this answer choice could be correct.

3. Negative space in the trees: Negative space refers to the blank or empty areas surrounding the main subjects in an artwork. It is created by the shapes, lines, and forms that exist around the focal point. While the given information mentions trees in the artwork, it does not specifically state how negative space is utilized in the trees. Therefore, this answer choice cannot be confirmed as correct.

4. Value in the sky: Value refers to the lightness or darkness of colors, shades, and tones in an artwork. It helps create depth, contrast, and form. The given information does not explain how the artist uses value in the sky, so we cannot determine if this answer choice is correct.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the most plausible answer is:

2. Asymmetrical balance with the fence.