Translate the sentence into an inequality.

Nine times the sum of a number and is at most .
Use the variable b for the unknown number.

Nine times the sum of a number and 16 is at least -18

Translate the sentence into an inequality.

Nine times the sum of a number and 25 is at most -20
Use the variable for the unknown number.

To translate the given sentence into an inequality, let's break it down step by step.

The sentence states: "Nine times the sum of a number and is at most ."

Let's start by identifying the unknown number as variable b.

Step 1: "The sum of a number and " translates to "b + "

Step 2: "Nine times the sum of a number and " translates to "9(b + )"

Step 3: "Nine times the sum of a number and is at most " translates to "9(b + ) ≤ "

Combining all the translated components, the inequality becomes:

9(b + ) ≤

Note: You need to fill in the blank with the specific value given in the original sentence, as it is missing in your question. Once you provide the specific value, the inequality can be completed.

"at most b" means "less than or equal to b" or "<= b"

I assume you know what a sum is,
and what "nine times" means