On a map, 1 1/4 inches represents 50 miles. Determine the distance between two cities that are 4 inches apart on the map.

4 / (1 1/4) = d / 50

To determine the distance between two cities that are 4 inches apart on the map, we first need to find the scale of the map. The given information tells us that 1 1/4 inches represents 50 miles.

To find the distance for 1 inch on the map, we can divide 50 miles by 1 1/4 inches, which is the same as dividing by 5/4:
50 miles ÷ (5/4) inches = 40 miles

So, 1 inch on the map represents 40 miles.

To find the distance for 4 inches, we can multiply the distance for 1 inch (40 miles) by 4:
40 miles × 4 inches = 160 miles

Therefore, the distance between the two cities is 160 miles.