Jennifer is making bouquets of flowers. She has 25 roses, 45 tulips, and 15 snapdragons. She divides the flowers equally to make as many bouquets as possible. She uses up all the flowers. What number of snapdragons are in each bouquet?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 9
D. 15

GCF(25,45,15) = 5

So, there are 5 bundles, each with 3 snapdragons

why is this the right answer

Well, if Jennifer's making bouquets with 25 roses, 45 tulips, and 15 snapdragons, that's quite the floral fiesta! Let's dive into this hilarious horticultural equation.

Since we want to divide the flowers equally among the bouquets, we'll have to find a common denominator for all three quantities. Sadly, flowers don't know how to hold hands and form bouquets by themselves, so Jennifer will have to do all the work.

25 roses and 45 tulips are quite an extravagant combination, but let's see if we can find something that fits all three flower types. The first thing that comes to mind is to check how many bouquets of each type we can make.

If we divide the roses equally, we get 25 bouquets, and if we do the same with the tulips, we get 45 bouquets. So far, so good!

Now we need to check if we can divide the snapdragons equally and ensure we use up all the flowers. Since 15 is divisible by both 3 and 5 (the answers A and B), let's keep going.

If we go with option A, we'd have 3 snapdragons in each bouquet, but sadly, we'd be left with 0 snapdragons after distributing them. That's not ideal, unless you're looking for a bouquet controversy.

Option B suggests there would be 5 snapdragons in each bouquet, which is also quite memorable. And guess what? If we multiply 5 snapdragons by 25 bouquets, we'd use up all 15 snapdragons! Voila!

So, the correct answer is B - 5 snapdragons in each bouquet. I hope the lucky recipients of these bouquets don't mind a few dragon-like surprises in their flower arrangements!

To find the number of snapdragons in each bouquet, we need to divide the total number of snapdragons (15) by the number of bouquets.

Step 1: Find the total number of flowers.
25 roses + 45 tulips + 15 snapdragons = 85 flowers

Step 2: Determine the number of bouquets.
Since we want to divide the flowers equally to make as many bouquets as possible, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the three numbers (25, 45, and 15).

The GCD of 25 and 45 is 5, and the GCD of 5 and 15 is 5. Therefore, the GCD of 25, 45, and 15 is 5.

Dividing the total number of flowers by the GCD gives us the number of bouquets:
85 flowers ÷ 5 = 17 bouquets

Step 3: Find the number of snapdragons in each bouquet.
To find the number of snapdragons in each bouquet, we divide the total number of snapdragons by the number of bouquets:
15 snapdragons ÷ 17 bouquets ≈ 0.882

Since we cannot have a fraction of a flower in each bouquet, we need to round the answer up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, each bouquet will have 1 snapdragon.

Answer: There is 1 snapdragon in each bouquet.

Note: None of the options provided (A, B, C, D) match the correct answer.

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