which of the following statements is not true A. the pears occupy the positive space in the image B. recognizing the negative and positive spaces could have made it easier for the artist to paint the pears. C. The negative space is difficult to recognize and is unhelpful to painting the object. D. The negative space of this image is the area surrounding the pears


Trust me

The answers are...

1. the negative space is difficult to recognize and is unhelpful in painting the object.
2. is the telescope and the ground
3. will make drawing the shape easier
4. the positive and negative spaces are well balanced and the shapes are obvious

Correct answers. Just got 100%. Connexus

it is a pear on a table surrounded by 2 other pears

It is the second one that shows on your site Writeacher. The negative space is the area surrounding the main object. So that means the positive space that is being surrounded are the three pears. The negative space is pretty hard to recognize and it is not very helpful in the painting. Therefore, the correct answer would be C.

thx 4 the answers

thx guys I got 100%😊🏆

so I just did mine and the right answers are C,A,D,B for connexus

you can trust me is correct i got 100% thank you

Negative space is area around the subjects, or areas of interest.

Thanks Tempest!!!