How did the Mayflower Compact represent a "government by consent"?

1. separatists

2. the pilgrims agreed to set up their own government
3. south carolina has a form of blue laws
4. the puritans believed in religious freedom

The Mayflower Compact was a significant document in American history, as it established a form of self-government and marked a step towards democratic principles. It represented a "government by consent" in the following ways:

1. Context: The Mayflower Compact was created by the Pilgrims aboard the ship Mayflower in 1620, while they were en route to the New World. They were seeking religious freedom and a fresh start away from the influence of the English monarchy.

2. Voluntary Agreement: The Compact was a voluntary agreement among the Pilgrims themselves. It was not imposed upon them by any external authority. The passengers aboard the Mayflower realized that they were about to land in an area outside the jurisdiction of the English government, so they needed a set of rules to establish order and guide their conduct.

3. Consent of the Governed: The Compact was signed by 41 of the 101 passengers aboard the Mayflower, including both colonists and non-Pilgrim passengers. This act of signing the document demonstrated their consent and willingness to abide by the rules and laws it outlined. Their participation in this agreement meant that the government formed would be based on the consent of the governed - a fundamental democratic principle.

4. Establishment of Self-Government: The Mayflower Compact established a rudimentary form of self-government. It acknowledged the need for government and agreed that the colonists would create laws and choose leaders for the common good of the colony. The Compact served as the first governing document of Plymouth Colony, providing a foundation for future self-governance and democratic decision-making.

In summary, the Mayflower Compact represented a "government by consent" as it emerged from a voluntary agreement among the Pilgrims, was signed by the passengers indicating their consent, and established a self-governing system in the New World.

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