Stundents planted three been seeds.after several days they observed that the roots of the seeds were growing downward in the soil which type of tropism we're the roots displaying?

The roots of the bean seeds are displaying a type of tropism known as gravitropism, also sometimes called geotropism. Gravitropism is the response of a plant to gravity, causing roots to grow downward and shoots (stems) to grow upward. In this case, the downward growth of the roots is an example of positive gravitropism, where the plant responds by growing in the same direction as gravity.

To determine the type of tropism displayed by the roots, the students observed the direction of root growth. This can be done by planting the bean seeds and allowing them to grow for several days. They needed to ensure that the seeds were planted in a way that allowed for easy observation of the roots' growth. The students made note of the direction in which the roots grew and concluded that they were growing downward, indicating positive gravitropism.

When studying plant tropisms, it's important to control other variables such as light, moisture, and temperature, as these factors can also affect plant growth. Additionally, repeating the experiment multiple times can help to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the observations.

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