Which of the following cultures developed the concept of the wheel and used it for transportation?

A. The Aztec
B. The Maya
C. The Inca
D. The Olmec

To determine which of the cultures developed the concept of the wheel and used it for transportation, we can analyze each option:

A. The Aztec: The Aztecs were an ancient Mesoamerican civilization that lived in what is now Mexico. While the Aztecs had advanced engineering skills and used wheeled toys for children, they did not use the wheel for transportation. Therefore, we can eliminate option A.

B. The Maya: The Maya civilization was another ancient Mesoamerican culture that inhabited Central America. The Maya had a rich and diverse culture, but there is no evidence to suggest that they used the wheel for transportation. Thus, we can eliminate option B.

C. The Inca: The Inca civilization was an ancient civilization that developed in the Andean region of South America. Like the Aztecs and the Maya, the Inca did not utilize the wheel for transportation. Consequently, we can eliminate option C.

D. The Olmec: The Olmec civilization was an ancient civilization that thrived in Mesoamerica, particularly in present-day Mexico. The Olmec used the wheel for transportation, making them the culture that developed the concept of the wheel in Mesoamerica.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: The Olmec.

The Olmec culture developed the concept of the wheel and used it for transportation.