A customer just paid $29,540 for a car. If the percent markup based on cost is 111%, what was the cost?

can you explain a bit more please



To find the cost of the car, we can use the formula:

Cost = Selling Price / (1 + Markup %)

In this case, the selling price is $29,540 and the markup percent based on cost is 111%.

First, let's convert the markup percent into a decimal by dividing it by 100:

Markup % = 111% / 100% = 1.11

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Cost = $29,540 / (1 + 1.11)

Simplifying further:

Cost = $29,540 / 2.11

Cost ≈ $14,000.95

Therefore, the approximate cost of the car is $14,000.95.

p(1 + 1.11) = 29540

That's some markup!