For those of you who do know sign language, can you please help me with this question?

People who use ASL gain most information through their eyes.
True or False

Thank you!:)


Ok, thank you so much!

True. People who use American Sign Language (ASL) rely primarily on visual cues and information obtained through their eyes. ASL is a visual-gestural language, where hands, facial expressions, and body movements are used to communicate meaning.

To determine whether the statement "People who use ASL gain most information through their eyes" is true or false, we can analyze and explain how to find the answer:

ASL, or American Sign Language, is a visual-gestural language predominantly used by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It relies heavily on visual cues and facial expressions for communication.

To verify the statement, we can consider the primary sensory channel used by individuals who use ASL for communication. In this case, that would be the eyes.

When people use ASL, they primarily rely on their eyes to receive and process the visual information conveyed through signs, handshapes, movements, and facial expressions. These visual cues are integral to understanding and conveying the intended meaning in ASL.

Given this information, we can conclude that the statement "People who use ASL gain most information through their eyes" is indeed true.

Therefore, the answer to your question is True.