Two estimators πœ†Λ† and πœ†Λœ are consistent and asymptotically normal.

Let 𝑋1,…,π‘‹π‘›βˆΌπ‘–.𝑖.𝑑.𝖀𝗑𝗉(πœ†) , for some πœ†>0 .
Let πœ†Λ†=1𝑋𝑛 and πœ†Μƒ =βˆ’ln(π‘Œπ‘›) , where π‘Œπ‘–=1{𝑋𝑖>1},𝑖=1,…,𝑛 .
Find, their asymptotic variances 𝑉(πœ†Λ†) and 𝑉(πœ†Λœ)

To find the asymptotic variances of the two estimators πœ†Λ† and πœ†Μƒ, we need to use their asymptotic properties.

1. Asymptotic Variance of πœ†Λ†:
The estimator πœ†Λ† = 1/Xn is consistent and asymptotically normal. Since 𝑋1,…,𝑋𝑛 ∼ 𝑖.𝑖.𝑑.𝖀𝗑𝗉(πœ†), we know that the sample mean π‘‹βŽ―βŽ―βŽ―n = (1/n) * Σ𝑋𝑖 is a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator of πœ†.

The asymptotic variance of πœ†Λ† is given by:
𝑉(πœ†Λ†) = [1 / (πœ†^2)] * 𝑉(π‘‹βŽ―βŽ―βŽ―π‘›)

Since 𝑋1,…,𝑋𝑛 ∼ 𝑖.𝑖.𝑑.𝖀𝗑𝗉(πœ†), the variance of π‘‹βŽ―βŽ―βŽ―π‘› is given by:
𝑉(π‘‹βŽ―βŽ―βŽ―π‘›) = Var(1/n * Σ𝑋𝑖)
= (1/n^2) * Ξ£Var(𝑋𝑖) (due to independence)
= (1/n^2) * 𝑛 * Var(𝑋1)
= (1/n) * Var(𝑋1)
= 𝑉(𝑋1)

𝑉(πœ†Λ†) = [1 / (πœ†^2)] * 𝑉(𝑋1)

2. Asymptotic Variance of πœ†Μƒ:
The estimator πœ†Μƒ = -ln(Yn), where π‘Œπ‘– = 1{𝑋𝑖 > 1}.

Notice that π‘Œπ‘– = 1 if 𝑋𝑖 > 1 and π‘Œπ‘– = 0 if 𝑋𝑖 ≀ 1.
This implies that Ξ£π‘Œπ‘– is the count of 𝑋𝑖 values greater than 1, which can be represented as n - Ξ£1{𝑋𝑖≀1}.

Now, let's find the asymptotic variance of πœ†Μƒ using the delta method:

We have:
πœ†Μƒ = -ln(Yn)
Yn = Ξ π‘Œπ‘– (since π‘Œπ‘– = 1{𝑋𝑖 > 1})
= Ξ (1 - 1{𝑋𝑖 ≀ 1})

Taking the natural logarithm on both sides:
ln(Yn) = ln(Ξ (1 - 1{𝑋𝑖 ≀ 1}))
= Ξ£ln(1 - 1{𝑋𝑖 ≀ 1})

Now, let's use the delta method to find the asymptotic variance:
𝑉(πœ†Μƒ) = [g'(πœ†)]^2 * 𝑉(𝑙𝑛(π‘Œπ‘›))

where g(πœ†) = -ln(πœ†) and 𝑙𝑛(π‘Œπ‘›) = Ξ£ln(1 - 1{𝑋𝑖 ≀ 1}).

Differentiating g(πœ†) with respect to πœ†, we get:
g'(πœ†) = -1 / πœ†

The variance of 𝑙𝑛(π‘Œπ‘›) can be approximated using the sample variance 𝑆^2:
𝑉(𝑙𝑛(π‘Œπ‘›)) β‰ˆ (1/n) * 𝑆^2

𝑉(πœ†Μƒ) = [(-1/πœ†)]^2 * (1/n) * 𝑆^2

Note: The above expressions for 𝑉(πœ†Λ†) and 𝑉(πœ†Μƒ) are approximations based on the asymptotic properties of the estimators. In practice, it is recommended to use resampling methods or simulation to obtain more accurate estimates of the variances.

To find the asymptotic variances of the estimators Ξ»Μ‚ and Ξ»Μƒ, we need to use some properties of consistent and asymptotically normal estimators.

First, let's find the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μ‚:

The estimator Ξ»Μ‚ = 1/Xβ‚™ is consistent and asymptotically normal.

To find the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μ‚, we can use the Delta Method. The Delta Method states that if g(ΞΈ) is a differentiable function of the parameter ΞΈ, and βˆšπ‘›(ΞΈΜ‚βˆ’ΞΈ) converges in distribution to a normal distribution, then βˆšπ‘›(g(ΞΈΜ‚)βˆ’g(ΞΈ)) converges in distribution to a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance [g'(ΞΈ)]^2 times the variance of βˆšπ‘›(ΞΈΜ‚βˆ’ΞΈ).

In this case, g(ΞΈ) = 1/ΞΈ, and ΞΈ = Ξ». So, g'(ΞΈ) = -1/ΞΈΒ².

Using the Delta Method, the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μ‚, denoted as V(Ξ»Μ‚), is given by:
V(Ξ»Μ‚) = [g'(Ξ»)]^2 * V(X)/n, where V(X) is the true variance of the random variable X.

In this case, X follows the exponential distribution with parameter λ, so V(X) = 1/λ².

Therefore, V(Ξ»Μ‚) = [(-1/λ²)]^2 * (1/λ²)/n = (1/λ⁴)/n.

Now, let's find the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μƒ:

The estimator Ξ»Μƒ = -ln(Yβ‚™), where Yα΅’ = 1{Xα΅’ > 1}, i = 1,...,n.

To find the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μƒ, we can use the Delta Method again. In this case, g(ΞΈ) = -ln(ΞΈ), and ΞΈ = P(X > 1).

Since Yα΅’ = 1{Xα΅’ > 1}, Yα΅’ follows a Bernoulli distribution with parameter P(X > 1). Therefore, the true variance of Yα΅’ is given by P(X > 1) * (1 - P(X > 1)).

Using the Delta Method, the asymptotic variance of Ξ»Μƒ, denoted as V(Ξ»Μƒ), is given by:
V(Ξ»Μƒ) = [g'(ΞΈ)]^2 * V(Y)/n, where V(Y) is the true variance of the random variable Yα΅’.

In this case, g'(ΞΈ) = -1/ΞΈ.

Therefore, V(Ξ»Μƒ) = [(-1/ΞΈ)]^2 * (ΞΈ(1 - ΞΈ))/n = (ΞΈ(1 - ΞΈ))/n.

However, we need to express the variance in terms of Ξ», not ΞΈ.

Since ΞΈ = P(X > 1) = 1 - P(X ≀ 1), we have ΞΈ = 1 - e^(-Ξ»).

Substituting ΞΈ in the expression for V(Ξ»Μƒ), we get:
V(Ξ»Μƒ) = [(1 - e^(-Ξ»))(e^(-Ξ»))/n = [e^(-Ξ») - e^(-2Ξ»)]/n.

So, the asymptotic variances of Ξ»Μ‚ and Ξ»Μƒ are:
V(Ξ»Μ‚) = (1/λ⁴)/n
V(Ξ»Μƒ) = [e^(-Ξ») - e^(-2Ξ»)]/n