1. Which term refers to the way light interacts with the surface of a rock or mineral?





2.What will happen in an area where large deposits of a desired mineral are found? Select the two correct answers.

Tourism in the area will increase in the short term.

The area will experience a downturn once all of the available resources are mined-

The area will experience a population decrease in the short term-

The area will experience a short-term economic boom.

People in the area will have long-term job security.

3.How can both surface and underground mining affect miners' health? Select the two correct answers.

risk of injuries from methane explosions

risk of injuries from heavy equipment

risk of injuries from mine collapse-

risk of lung disease, like silicosis-

risk of high blood pressure

4.Which statements accurately compare the environmental impact of surface mining to the environmental impact of underground mining? Select the two correct answers.

There is a higher risk of release of dangerous gases in surface mining than in underground mining-

Both surface mining and underground mining risk causing severe water pollution.

Surface mining causes more destruction of land ecosystems than underground mining-

The risk of sinkholes is higher in surface mining than in underground mining.

Underground mining causes more issues with dust and particulates than surface mining.

5.The use of which material can substitute for copper and reduce copper mine production?





6.What is the goal of land reclamation of mining sites?

to restore environmental vitality to land degraded from mining-

to create a commercial use for land degraded by mining

to reclaim the land's value after mining is complete

to maximize profits from mining

Please help me

Y’all need help? Here I’m ur life saver.

What will happen in an area where large deposits of a desired mineral...
- .... downturn once all of the available....
- .... short term economic boom....

Which term refers to the way light interacts with the surface....
- luster

ALUMINUM - open pit
TIN - placer
COPPER - open pit, underground

Compared to the process or extracting lithium... MORE.... LESS.... THE SAME AMOUNT OF

Resistant to corrosion - advantage
Durable - both
More rare.... - disadvantage

Which statement accurately compare the environmental impact of surface mining...
- both.... risk causing severe water pollution
- surface mining causes more....

How can both surface and underground mining....
- risk of lung diseases....
- risk of injuries from heavy....

The trend in the graph indicates that by 2026... will INCREASE

The use of which.... copper mine production
- aluminum

What is the goal.... mining sites
- to restore environmental vitality....

I truly hope I help u guys!!! Good luck with the new system -._-.

THX @ Here to help!

Impacts of Metal Resources Quiz
For 10 question quiz

1) The trend in the graph indicates that by 2026 the world's mine production of copper will *increase*.
2) Compared to the process of extracting lithium from mineral deposits, the process of extracting lithium from evaporation ponds requires*more*water, *less*money, and *more* time.
3) What is the goal of land reclamation of mining sites? *to restore environmental vitality to land degraded from mining*
4) Which term refers to the way light interacts with the surface of a rock or mineral? *luster*
5) aluminum *open-pit*
tin *placer*
copper *open-pit & underground*
6) resistant to corrosion *advantage*
durable *advatage & disadvantage*
more rare than aluminum *disadvantage*
7) How can both surface and underground mining affect miners' health? Select the two correct answers. *risk of injuries from heavy equipment & risk of lung disease, like silicosis*
8) What will happen in an area where large deposits of a desired mineral are found? Select the two correct answers. *The area will experience a downturn once all of the available resources are mined. & The area will experience a short-term economic boom.*
9) The use of which material can substitute for copper and reduce copper mine production? *aluminum*
10) Which statements accurately compare the environmental impact of surface mining to the environmental impact of underground mining? Select the two correct answers. *Both surface mining and underground mining risk causing severe water pollution. & Surface mining causes more destruction of land ecosystems than underground mining.*
100% correct
took the quiz
Hope this helps ; )

1: luster

2: the area Will experience a count turn went all of the available resources our mind.
The area will experience a short term economic boom.
3: Risk of lung disease like silicosis.
Risk of injuries from heavy equipment
4: Surface mining causes more destruction of land and ecosystems than underground mining.
Both surface mining in underground mining risk causing severe water pollution
5: A
6: A
I hope that helps. I got them all correct on my quiz

@DrBob222, he gave you his answers. If you wouldn't be so quick to assume, you may have noticed the dash behind his choices.



I just took the quiz on 3/9/2022

1. B) Luster
2. A) Risk of injuries...
E) Risk of lung disease...
3. Increase
4. C) Surface mining...
E) Both surface mining...
5. C) Aluminum
6. A) The area will experience a downturn...
E) The area will experience a short-term...
7. C) To restore...
8. Aluminum - Open-pit
Tin - Placer
Copper - Open-pit; underground
9. Resistant to corrosion - Advantage
Durable - Advantage; disadvantage
More rare than aluminum - Disadvantage
10. Compared to the process of extracting lithium from mineral deposits, the process of extracting lithium from evaporation ponds requires MORE water, LESS money, and MORE time.


@I goT u ^^ and Kirishima are still correct 2023 lol

1. The term that refers to the way light interacts with the surface of a rock or mineral is called "luster." This term describes how a rock or mineral appears in terms of its shininess, brightness, or reflectivity. To determine the luster of a rock or mineral, you can observe its surface and assess whether it appears metallic, glassy, dull, or earthy. This can be done by visually inspecting the sample under normal lighting conditions.

2. When large deposits of a desired mineral are found in an area, the following two outcomes are more likely to occur:

a. The area will experience a short-term economic boom. This is because mining operations will lead to an increase in employment opportunities, investment, and economic activity in the region. The increased demand for goods and services related to mining can stimulate the local economy.

b. People in the area will have long-term job security. Once the mining operations are established, they will require a constant workforce to extract and process the mineral. This can provide job stability and security for the local population, especially if the mineral has a consistent demand over time.

It is important to note that the other options, such as an increase in tourism, a population decrease, or a downturn in the area once all resources are mined, are not necessarily guaranteed outcomes and can vary depending on the specific circumstances and economic factors.

3. Both surface and underground mining can affect miners' health in the following ways:

a. Risk of injuries from heavy equipment: In both surface and underground mining, the use of heavy machinery and equipment can pose a risk of accidents and injuries to miners. Operating large machinery, such as trucks, loaders, and drills, involves inherent risks, such as collisions, operator errors, or equipment malfunctions.

b. Risk of lung disease, like silicosis: Mining activities, particularly those involving drilling, cutting, or crushing rocks, can generate dust containing harmful substances like silica. Prolonged exposure to such dust can lead to lung diseases, such as silicosis, which can severely affect miners' respiratory health.

While risks of injuries from methane explosions, injuries from mine collapse, and high blood pressure are also associated with mining, they are more specific to underground mining operations due to factors like the presence of flammable gases (methane) in confined spaces or the instability of underground tunnels.

4. The accurate comparisons between the environmental impact of surface mining and underground mining are as follows:

a. Surface mining causes more destruction of land ecosystems than underground mining. This is because surface mining involves removing the overlying layers of soil or rock to access the mineral deposits beneath, leading to a significant alteration of the land's original form. This process can result in the loss of natural habitats, displacement of wildlife, disruption of ecosystems, and degradation of soil quality.

b. Both surface mining and underground mining risk causing severe water pollution. Mining operations generate large amounts of wastewater, which may contain pollutants like heavy metals, acids, and sediments. These pollutants can leach into nearby water bodies, leading to contamination and negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems, including harm to fish and other organisms.

The other options, such as a higher risk of release of dangerous gases in surface mining or higher risk of sinkholes in surface mining, are not universally applicable and depend on specific conditions and mining practices. Additionally, underground mining may have issues with dust and particulates due to drilling, blasting, and material handling processes, but it may not necessarily be more pronounced compared to surface mining.

5. The use of "aluminum" can substitute for copper and reduce copper mine production. Aluminum is a widely used metal that possesses similar properties to copper, such as conductivity and malleability. In many electrical and industrial applications, aluminum can be used as a substitute for copper, reducing the demand and overall production of copper. This substitution is often driven by factors like cost, availability, and desired material properties.

The other options, such as glass, quartz, or gold, do not serve as direct substitutes for copper in terms of their physical properties, industrial applications, or electrical conductivity.

6. The goal of land reclamation of mining sites is "to restore environmental vitality to land degraded from mining." Land reclamation refers to the process of restoring and rehabilitating mined areas to a state that is ecologically functional and potentially suitable for other land uses. The ultimate objective is to mitigate the negative impacts of mining activities on the environment, including the restoration of soil, vegetation, water systems, and wildlife habitats.

By undertaking reclamation efforts, mining companies aim to reclaim the original ecological balance and promote the recovery of natural ecosystems. This can involve activities such as regrading and reshaping of land, soil stabilization, planting native vegetation, creating water management systems, and ensuring long-term maintenance of reclaimed areas. The specific reclamation strategies and requirements may vary depending on the local regulations, environmental considerations, and stakeholder involvement.

The other options, such as creating a commercial use for land degraded by mining or maximizing profits from mining, do not align with the central objective of land reclamation, which is focused on the ecological restoration and sustainable management of previously mined areas.

Someone will be happy to check your answers.