I'm beginning a new unit in class on probability sets but I don't know what the U and upside down U symbols mean.

I think U is union but I'm not sure about the upside down U.

D = {x E U l is a doctor } M = {x E U l is a male} (the administrator, nurses, and women also have the same notation as above.I also know it is not E but I don't have that symbol) But for D (upside down U) complement of M would I describe it as enployees who aren't male but are doctors

The symbol "U" in probability sets represents the union of two or more sets. It signifies combining all the elements of the given sets without duplication. The upside-down "U" symbol, on the other hand, refers to the intersection of sets. It represents the common elements shared by two or more sets. To better understand how these symbols work, let's look at an example.

Suppose we have two sets, set A and set B. Set A contains the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4}, and set B contains the numbers {3, 4, 5, 6}.

To find the union of sets A and B (represented as A U B), you simply combine all the elements from both sets, without duplication. So, the union of A and B would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

To find the intersection of sets A and B (represented as A ∩ B), you consider the elements that are common to both sets. In this case, the intersection of A and B would be {3, 4}, as those are the only elements that appear in both sets.

So, in summary:
- U symbol (union) is used to combine all elements from different sets, without duplication.
- Upside-down U symbol (intersection) is used to find the common elements shared by different sets.

These symbols allow us to perform operations on sets and analyze probabilities efficiently.