the king of mazy may by jack london

describe walts character identify a character trait shown for walt in the passage use at least 2 details from the text to support your answer

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To describe Walt's character in "The King of Mazy May" by Jack London, you can look for specific details in the text that provide insights into his personality and behavior. Here is an example of how you can identify a character trait and support it with at least two details from the passage:

One character trait that can be seen in Walt in the passage is resilience. This is demonstrated by his ability to overcome challenges and persevere in difficult situations. Two details from the text that support this trait are:

1. In the opening of the story, it is mentioned that Walt had taken over the family responsibilities after his father's death. This shows that he has stepped up, showing responsibility and fortitude despite the tragedy, which indicates his resilience.

2. Later in the passage, when Walt is faced with a challenging situation where his dogs are trapped on an ice island, he doesn't give up. Instead, he creatively thinks of a solution to safely rescue the dogs by building a makeshift bridge. This shows his determination and resilience in solving problems and navigating through tough circumstances.

By assessing these specific details, we can conclude that Walt's character in "The King of Mazy May" is characterized by his resilience, as evidenced by his sense of responsibility and his ability to overcome challenges with creative solutions.

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