Which of the following was a main cause of the Mexican-American war?

A. The Americans belief in manifest destiny
B. Mexicans living illegally on American land
C.the Louisiana purchase of 1803
D.president polk’s attempts to buy New Mexico’s northern land***

Whats the answer its urgent

you are right it is d

The main cause of the Mexican-American war was A. The Americans belief in manifest destiny. Manifest destiny was the widespread belief in the 19th century that the United States was destined to expand across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This belief fueled the idea that the United States should acquire more territory, including lands that belonged to other nations, such as Mexico.

To answer this question, you would need to consider the historical context and the events that led to the Mexican-American war. One way to determine the main cause of the war is to analyze primary and secondary sources, such as historical documents, textbooks, or scholarly articles. These sources can provide insights into the motivations of Americans at the time and the factors that contributed to the conflict.

Additionally, researching the concept of manifest destiny and understanding its influence on American politics and expansion can provide further evidence to support the answer choice. By examining historical events and the perspectives of both Americans and Mexicans, you can arrive at a conclusion regarding the main cause of the Mexican-American war.


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