Which would be true for conjugating a reflexive verb?

It reflects to something else in the sentence.

It is formed like an irregular verb.

It has a special reflexive pronoun that must be used along with the verb.

It is necessary to always use the subject pronoun with the verb.***


The correct answer is: "It has a special reflexive pronoun that must be used along with the verb."

To conjugate a reflexive verb, you need to use a reflexive pronoun that corresponds to the subject of the sentence. The reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nos, os, and se. For example, if the subject is "yo" (I), the corresponding reflexive pronoun is "me" (myself). So, for the reflexive verb "lavarse" (to wash oneself), the conjugation would be "me lavo" (I wash myself).

Using the reflexive pronoun is necessary to indicate that the action of the verb is being performed by the subject onto themselves.