I already have an answer, but I need an example from literature to help support my statement, and I just can't think of one. The question is

Discussion: Does Every Conflict Have a Winner?
My answer is
We can compete in positive ways by having an attitude of good sportsmanship. If we do this, and try our hardest, we can compete positively. My younger sister, Greta, Chris, Sofie, and I all love playing Just Dance with one another. When we are dancing, we are always fighting for the lead. When we pay more attention to the little crown icon declaring the winner, there are often arguments, which may lead to one of us dramatically throwing the wii remote on the couch, stomping out of the room, and only talking to one of us, which probably leads to a civil war between us, sometimes with our oldest sister, Aubry, joining in until our mother or father finds out and makes us apologize and be friends again. For my example in literature...

No idea ... BUT ...

You need to divide the following into readable sentences:
When we pay more attention to the little crown icon declaring the winner, there are often arguments, which may lead to one of us dramatically throwing the wii remote on the couch, stomping out of the room, and only talking to one of us, which probably leads to a civil war between us, sometimes with our oldest sister, Aubry, joining in until our mother or father finds out and makes us apologize and be friends again.

In the sentence where you name the game, you also need to state the name of the device you’re using.

Thank you so much! All I need is an example from literature. If this helps, in previous discussion questions I have already used and example from "The Book Thief" by Markus Zuzak and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban.

Thank you for the feedback! @MSmith!

Never mind my question I found an example and got a 100%! Thank you so much!

For your example in literature, you can consider the conflict between Katniss Everdeen and President Snow in "The Hunger Games" series by Suzanne Collins. In the books, Katniss is pitted against President Snow and the oppressive Capitol in a battle for survival and freedom. Throughout the series, their conflict escalates as Katniss becomes a symbol of resistance, challenging the dominance and control of President Snow.

In this conflict, it can be argued that there is no clear winner. While Katniss successfully inspires rebellion and plays a significant role in the downfall of the Capitol, President Snow also orchestrates his own tactics, manipulating the Games and attempting to brand Katniss as a traitor. The conflict between them is intense and marked by loss, sacrifices, and significant consequences for both sides.

By using this example, you can support your statement that not every conflict has a clear winner. The conflict between Katniss and President Snow shows that even when there is resistance and a fight against oppression, there are still complex consequences and the resolution may not necessarily lead to a definitive victory for one side.