Does anybody know how I can graph these on wolfram? x=cos(8cos(t))sin(t),y=sin(8cos(t))sin(t),z=cos(t).I type as it on wolframalpha site but no graph shows.

a nice 3d graphing site is

Igot to the website but don't know how to enter the three equations to get a 3d graph.

geez. google geogebra space curves. It will show you an example. Just enter

(cos(8cos(t))sin(t), sin(8cos(t))sin(t), cos(t))

To graph parametric equations on Wolfram|Alpha, you need to specify your equations using specific syntax. Here's how you can enter your equations to correctly graph them on Wolfram|Alpha:

1. Start by opening Wolfram|Alpha in your web browser.
2. Then, in the search bar, enter the following command:

ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[8 Cos[t]] Sin[t], Sin[8 Cos[t]] Sin[t], Cos[t]}, {t, -Pi, Pi}]

3. Hit the Enter key or click the "Submit" button to execute the query.

Wolfram|Alpha will generate a 3D graph of your parametric equations. The `ParametricPlot3D` function is used to plot functions of three variables or parameterized curves in three-dimensional space. By specifying the range of `t` from `-Pi` to `Pi`, you will be able to visualize the graph over this interval.

Make sure to use square brackets `[ ]` instead of parentheses `( )` for the trigonometric functions and multiply trigonometric terms using the `*` operator. This is the specific syntax that Wolfram|Alpha understands and will graph correctly.

Please note that Wolfram|Alpha may sometimes struggle to graph complex equations, but the provided syntax should work for your equations.