What causes the author of “Harriet Tubman” to think the 11 runaways stayed with Frederick Douglass?

for connexus:

1) which of the following is closest in the meaning of fugitives?
B) runaways.

2) what main ideas does the following my passage from “Harriet Tubman” support? She discovered that freedom meant more than the right to change jobs at will, more than the right to keep the money that one earned.
C) freedom is more than materials gains.

3) Which detail in “Harriet Tubman” best supports the idea that fugitives faced harsh conditions?
A) one runaway wanted to return to slavery.

4) Why did Harriet Tubman tell the fugitives stories of others who had escaped from freedom?
A) to inspire them.

5) What caused the author of “Harriet Tubman” to think the 11 runaways stayed with Frederick Douglas?
A) a passage in Douglass’s autobiography.

TYSM Connexus, you are correct!

The answers are the following:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A

ms.sue please help

thanks! those are correct.

yeah connexus is correct lol

To understand why the author of "Harriet Tubman" thinks the 11 runaways stayed with Frederick Douglass, we would first need to examine the source material - the text itself.

To locate the author's thoughts about the 11 runaways staying with Frederick Douglass, you should refer to the specific passage in the book or article. Look for any statements or clues that indicate why the author believes this.

Once you have located the relevant passage, read it carefully to identify the evidence or reasoning presented by the author. Look for any explicit statements or implicit suggestions that explain why the author holds this belief.

It is important to note that this question can only be answered by directly referencing the source material, as the explanations or speculations of individuals other than the author would not be valid in determining the author's thoughts.

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