. Use words to define the set

B = {market, home, roast beef, none, oui oui oui}

This was very confusing to me and I do not understand

Could it be ?

store, residence, meat, nil, yes yes yes

I think there's suppose to be a pattern with the set, because the other example she gave was

In which I defined it as The first 5 presidents of the USA

how about counting your toes using little pigs?

The set B is a collection of items enclosed within curly brackets {}. In this case, the set B contains five elements: "market," "home," "roast beef," "none," and "oui oui oui." Each element is a distinct item in the set.

The elements of the set can be words or any other type of object, depending on the context. In this example, the elements are represented by words.

The elements in a set are unordered, which means that their arrangement does not matter. In other words, the set {home, market, roast beef, none, oui oui oui} is equivalent to set B.

A set can also only contain unique elements, meaning that duplicate entries are not allowed. In this case, even though "oui oui oui" occurs three times, it is only considered a single element in the set.

By defining the set using these specific elements, the set B can be understood as a collection of words that includes "market," "home," "roast beef," and "none," as well as the repeated phrase "oui oui oui."