Use the given D to find the range of each function:

g(x)=−3x2−4, D={−1, 2, 3}

To find the range of the function g(x), you need to substitute each value from the given domain D into the function and determine the corresponding value of g(x). The range is then the set of all the resulting values.

Let's substitute each value from the domain D into the function g(x) and find the corresponding outputs:

For x = -1:
g(-1) = -3(-1)^2 - 4
= -3(1) - 4
= -3 - 4
= -7

For x = 2:
g(2) = -3(2)^2 - 4
= -3(4) - 4
= -12 - 4
= -16

For x = 3:
g(3) = -3(3)^2 - 4
= -3(9) - 4
= -27 - 4
= -31

So, the range of the function g(x) for the given domain D = {-1, 2, 3} is {-7, -16, -31}.