This for Connery’s academy lesson 11 unit 2

(Answers might change over time )

What can you infer from this sentence near the state of “The Story-Teller”

Most of the aunt’s remarks seemed to begin with “Don’t” , and nearly all of the children’s remarks begin with “Why?”

A-the children have a lot of questions for their aunt.
B-The aunt is extremely clever about handling the children
C- The children are pleasant and well-behaved .
D-The aunt is having trouble keeping the children under control.****

I’m not gonna type out the rest of the answers if you know you know

3- you do you boo
4 Part A - C
Part B- A
9- can’t help u:)

I’m just giving answers so u don’t have to check, but if u got different answers comment below so u can help others if there answers r different too

Just realized I spelt connection wrong my bad, connections academy not Connery