Joseph is reading a 32 page book.he reads 6 pages in 15 minutes.if he continues to read at the same rate how long will it take him to read the entire book?

The ratio is 6:15

30:1 hour 15mins

Hope this helps you answer the question

15/6 = x/32

To find out how long it will take Joseph to read the entire 32-page book, we need to determine how many sets of 6 pages he can read in total.

Step 1: Calculate the number of sets:
32 pages / 6 pages = 5 sets

Joseph can read 5 sets of 6 pages each.

Step 2: Calculate the total reading time:
Since Joseph reads 6 pages in 15 minutes, we can determine that he reads 1 set of 6 pages in 15 minutes.

So, 5 sets * 15 minutes = 75 minutes

Therefore, it will take Joseph 75 minutes to read the entire book if he continues reading at the same rate.

15/6 = x/32


since the min/page ratio is constant,

15/6 = x/32