The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade resulted in

A. a decrease in money going to African kingdoms.***
B. payment from the Americas to Africa.
C. Africa owing money to American slaveholders.
D. an increase of European goods in Africa.

To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to understand the historical context of the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The trans-Atlantic slave trade, which took place between the 16th and 19th centuries, involved the forced transportation of African individuals to the Americas to work as slaves on plantations and in other industries.

The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade refers to the abolition and subsequent cessation of this trade. This process unfolded over several decades and involved different countries and regions implementing legislation to ban the slave trade. One significant event was the British Parliament passing the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807, which prohibited British ships from engaging in the slave trade. Other countries, including the United States, enacted similar legislation in the following years.

With this historical background in mind, let's examine the answer choices:

A. a decrease in money going to African kingdoms.
This is the correct answer. The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade resulted in a decrease in money going to African kingdoms. Prior to the abolition of the slave trade, African kingdoms involved in the trade received financial compensation for selling enslaved individuals to European and American slave traders. With the cessation of the slave trade, this source of income diminished, impacting the economic stability of these kingdoms.

B. payment from the Americas to Africa.
This answer is not correct. The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade did not result in payment from the Americas to Africa. On the contrary, the abolition of the slave trade meant a decrease in the flow of financial resources from the Americas to Africa.

C. Africa owing money to American slaveholders.
This answer is not correct. The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade did not result in Africa owing money to American slaveholders. The abolition of the slave trade meant a decline in the economic activities related to slavery, rather than creating a financial indebtedness.

D. an increase of European goods in Africa.
This answer is not correct. The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade did not lead to an increase of European goods in Africa. While the decline of the slave trade may have altered trade relationships between Europe and Africa, it did not specifically result in more European goods being sent to Africa.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. a decrease in money going to African kingdoms.

Probably so, but check and double-check your text to be sure.

OK thank you for your help :)

You're welcome!