Find the greatest perfect square for 650.

Find the greatest perfect square for 1290

Your question is not too clear.

Are you looking for the greatest factor of 650 which is a perfect square?

650 = 2*5*5*13
so 5*5 = 25, and 25 would be the greatest perfect square factor

do the same thing for 1290
Let me know what your conclusion is.

To find the greatest perfect square for a given number, we need to find the highest square number that is less than or equal to the given number. Here's how to find it for both 650 and 1290:

For 650:
1. Start by finding the square root of the given number. In this case, the square root of 650 is approximately 25.49.
2. Round down the square root to the nearest whole number. In this case, round down 25.49 to 25.
3. Square the rounded-down value obtained in the previous step. 25 squared is equal to 625.
4. Compare the square obtained in the previous step with the given number. Since 625 is less than 650, it is a perfect square that is less than or equal to 650.

So, the greatest perfect square for 650 is 625.

For 1290:
1. Calculate the square root of the given number. In this case, the square root of 1290 is approximately 35.92.
2. Round down the square root to the nearest whole number. In this case, round down 35.92 to 35.
3. Square the rounded-down value obtained in the previous step. 35 squared is equal to 1225.
4. Compare the square obtained in the previous step with the given number. Since 1225 is less than 1290, it is a perfect square that is less than or equal to 1290.

Therefore, the greatest perfect square for 1290 is 1225.