here's my question,

Why do living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste?

A. Living things need food, water and the ability to get rid of waste to maintain a balance within their habitat ***

B. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to make the energy they need

C. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to respond to stimuli

D. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to maintain homeostasis.

Please check my answer!

I disagree with your answer.

Check your reading assignment.

I disagree with your answer, also. To me, answer A says we need all of those things in order to keep things going in our environment/habitat and I don't think we live for our habitat.

I looked over my assignment and I figured out that it was D.

Thanks uwu

To verify the correct answer, let's look at each option:

A. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to maintain a balance within their habitat - This is a partially correct statement, as living things do require these things to maintain balance within their habitat, but it doesn't cover the full reason.

B. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to make the energy they need - This statement is also correct. Living things require food as a source of energy to fuel their biological processes.

C. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to respond to stimuli - While food, water, and waste elimination are essential for living things, this statement specifically mentions their role in responding to stimuli, which is not entirely accurate.

D. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to maintain homeostasis - This statement is correct. Homeostasis refers to the process of maintaining a stable internal environment, which includes balancing food intake, water levels, and waste removal.

Based on the explanations above, it seems that the correct answer is D. Living things need food, water, and the ability to get rid of waste to maintain homeostasis.