600 minus 300 is 300. Then I can subtract 40 more and get 260. But I should have only subtracted 37 more, so I'll add 3 back to my difference to get 263.

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It seems like you made a mistake in your calculations. Let's break it down step by step to find the correct answer.

You started with 600 and subtracted 300, which correctly gives you 300.

Then, you said you subtracted 40 more, which would result in subtracting 40 from 300. Thus, 300 - 40 would equal 260.

However, you mentioned that you should have only subtracted 37 more instead of 40. To correct this, you need to add back the extra 3 units to the difference of 260. So, 260 + 3 equals 263.

Therefore, the correct calculation should be 600 - 300 - 37 + 3, which equals 263.

It's always a good idea to double-check your calculations to ensure accuracy.