Based on this cartoon, identify two problems with the Articles of Confederation.

To identify the problems with the Articles of Confederation based on a cartoon, you would need to closely analyze the cartoon and look for visual cues or symbols that represent the issues faced under the Articles of Confederation. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how you can approach this task:

1. Observe the cartoon: Take a careful look at the cartoon and try to understand the overall message or theme it is conveying. Look for any characters, symbols, or objects that might symbolize problems with the Articles of Confederation.

2. Identify specific symbols or elements: Look for visual indicators that could represent issues related to the Articles of Confederation. For example, the cartoon might depict a weak central government, lack of unity among the states, financial struggles, or challenges with representation.

3. Analyze the symbols and elements: Once you identify the relevant symbols or elements, analyze their meaning within the context of the Articles of Confederation. Consider how these symbols reflect the weaknesses and problems of the Articles.

4. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about the two problems with the Articles of Confederation that the cartoon is highlighting.

It's important to note that without an actual cartoon to analyze, I cannot provide a specific analysis or identify two problems. However, by following the outlined steps, you should be able to identify the problems with the Articles of Confederation based on a cartoon.

What cartoon?