Which of the following should you use to change text size, color, and font face to make a section label stand out? A. overtype B. heading styles C. text wrapper D. footnote

Text nite

To change text size, color, and font face to make a section label stand out, you should use heading styles.

Heading styles are formatting options in word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs that allow you to apply specific formatting to headings or section labels. They provide a consistent and organized way of formatting and structuring documents.

To use heading styles:

1. Select the section label or heading you want to change.
2. In the toolbar or ribbon of your word processing software, look for the "Styles" or "Heading Styles" option. It usually contains various levels of headings such as Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.
3. Choose the appropriate heading level that suits your section label.
4. After applying the heading style, you can further customize the text size, color, and font face by modifying the style settings. This can usually be done by right-clicking the applied heading style and selecting "Modify" or accessing the "Styles" dialog box.
5. In the modification settings, you can adjust the font size, change the font color, and choose a specific font face to make the section label stand out.

Using heading styles is a recommended practice because it not only helps in visually distinguishing section labels but also enables easy navigation through the document's structure and allows for consistent formatting across the entire document.

Read through your text or google "how to use Microsoft Word" and then let us know what you decide.