Every system has an input, process and an output. Some might even have feedback that can affect the entire system.

When you turn on the tv with a remove control that starts the process. The tv turning on is an example of what part of the system?
A) input
B) output**
C) process
D) feedback
Is B correct?

I would not agree, and I also don't recommend using a "remove control." The program would be the output.

I knew it. It's input isn't it? That's what I originally assumed. Also, tell the typo to the extremely educated, "school system," I copy and pasted it from. :D Funny though, really. XD

I THINK in put as well. Notices i said think

No, option B is not correct. The tv turning on is not an example of the output of the system. The correct answer is option A) input. When you use the remote control to turn on the TV, you are providing an input to the TV system, which initiates the process of the TV turning on.