Perform the indicated operations on the complex numbers:


just expand as normal, and remember that i^2 = -1

9(-1+3i) - 2i(-1+3i)
you can finish up, right?

yes, tysm! :) <3

To perform the indicated operations on complex numbers, we will use the distributive property and combine like terms. Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Multiply the real parts
The real part of the first complex number is 9, and the real part of the second complex number is -1.
9 * -1 = -9

Step 2: Multiply the imaginary parts
The imaginary part of the first complex number is -2i, and the imaginary part of the second complex number is 3i.
-2i * 3i = -6i^2

Step 3: Simplify
Remember that i^2 is equal to -1, so we substitute that in.
-6i^2 = -6(-1) = 6

Step 4: Combine the real and imaginary parts
Now we have the real part (-9) and the simplified imaginary part (6).
The result is -9 + 6i.

Therefore, the product of (9-2i)(-1+3i) is -9 + 6i.