what property is 0+9=9

0 is the additive identity

The property that describes the equation 0 + 9 = 9 is called the Addition Identity Property. It states that when you add zero to any number, the sum is always equal to that number.

To understand why, let's break down the equation:

0 + 9 = 9

On the left side of the equation, you have zero added to 9. Since zero doesn't change the value of any number when added to it, the sum remains the same as 9. Therefore, the equation is true.

You can consider this property as a basic rule of addition or as a special case of the Addition Property of Equality, which states that if you add the same number to both sides of an equation, the equation remains true.

So, in summary, the property at work here is the Addition Identity Property, which states that adding zero to any number doesn't change its value.

The property that describes the sum of 0 and any number being equal to that number is called the additive identity property. In this case, the additive identity property states that 0 added to 9 is equal to 9.