add 3.6 x 10^7 + 5.1 x 10^7 and write your answer in scientific notation

a y + b y = (a+b) y (remember those properties :)

(3.6 + 5.1) 10^7
8.7 * 10^7

To add two numbers in scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. First, make sure that the exponents are the same. In this case, both numbers already have the same exponent of 7, so we can proceed to the next step.

2. Add the coefficients (numbers in front of the exponential notation). In this case, we need to add 3.6 and 5.1.

3. When adding the coefficients, the result is 8.7 (3.6 + 5.1).

4. Finally, we express our answer in scientific notation. Keep the same exponent (7) and write the coefficient (8.7) as a single-digit number followed by a decimal point and the remaining digits. The final answer is: 8.7 x 10^7