There are 8 boys on the school dance team. These 8 boys make up 16% of the dance team. How many students are on the dance team?

0.16x = 8

Solve for x.

To find out the total number of students on the dance team, we can use the following formula:

Total number of students = (Number of boys / Percentage of boys) * 100

In this case, we know that there are 8 boys on the dance team, and they make up 16% of the team. Now we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the total number of students:

Total number of students = (8 / 16%) * 100

First, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

Total number of students = (8 / 0.16) * 100

Now, do the calculation in the parentheses:

Total number of students = 50 * 100

Multiply 50 by 100:

Total number of students = 5000

Therefore, there are 5000 students on the dance team.