Data are collected on the 35 students in a college history course. Which of the following is not a variable for the data set? E?

Student birth month A
Political affiliation of student B
Student age C
Student address D
Number of students in the data set E

A local ice-cream shop sells ice-cream cones for $2.00, and customers can choose from the following options.

Ice-cream flavor
Type of cone: sugar or waffle
Chocolate dipped for an additional $0.50
Sprinkles for an additional $0.50
Which of the following is a quantitative variable? E. total cost
Ice-cream flavor A
Type of cone B
Chocolate dipped or not C
Sprinkles or not D
The total cost of the cone E


For the first question, the variable that is not a variable for the data set is E. Number of students in the data set.

For the second question, the quantitative variable is E. Total cost of the cone.

To determine which of the options is not a variable, we need to understand what a variable is. In statistics, a variable is a characteristic or attribute that can vary within a data set.

In the first question about the college history course data set, the options provided are:

A. Student birth month
B. Political affiliation of student
C. Student age
D. Student address
E. Number of students in the data set

From these options, we can see that A, B, C, and D are all variables. They represent different characteristics of the students in the data set that can vary from one student to another. However, option E, "Number of students in the data set," is not a characteristic that varies within the data set. It represents a constant value, namely the total count of students, which does not change from one student to another. Therefore, the answer to the first question is E.

In the second question about the ice-cream shop, the options provided are:

A. Ice-cream flavor
B. Type of cone: sugar or waffle
C. Chocolate dipped or not
D. Sprinkles or not
E. The total cost of the cone

From these options, we need to identify the quantitative variable. A quantitative variable is one that represents a numerical value or measurement. In this case, the only option that fits this definition is E, "The total cost of the cone." It represents the numerical value of the cost and can be measured. The other options (A, B, C, and D) are categorical variables since they represent choices or categories rather than numerical values. Therefore, the answer to the second question is E.
