The two most influential immigrant groups in Argentina are the ______?

I know one of the influential group is the europeans.

____ was also influential.

A. Pablo Picasso a twentieth-century artist,
B. Pablo Picasso a twentieth-century artist
C. Pablo Picasso, a twentieth-century artist
D. Pablo Picasso, a twentieth-century artist,

C. Pablo Picasso, a twentieth-century artist

The two most influential immigrant groups in Argentina are the Europeans and the Italians. Europeans, including Spaniards, Germans, French, and British, were among the first significant immigrant groups to arrive in Argentina in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They played a crucial role in shaping the country's economy, culture, and politics.

To find the answer to your question, you can use various resources such as books, articles, or reputable websites dedicated to Argentine history and immigration. These sources will provide you with comprehensive information about the various immigrant groups that have influenced Argentina over the years. Additionally, you can consult demographic studies or government census data to analyze the numerical impact of different immigrant communities.