Emily and Sarah are high-school students competing in a contest to design a playground. Emily knows that Sarah is receiving help from her uncle, a landscape architect, but she cannot prove it. Emily is torn between cheating herself or losing to someone who is cheating. In the end, she decides to do her own best work. She loses the competition but maintains her values and self-respect

A.a contest between Emily and Sarah

B.a struggle between Sarah and her uncle

C.Emily’s struggle to make a choice

D.Sarah’s struggle to make a choice

And your answer?


What is the MAIN struggle in the scenario?
Emma and Sarah?
Sarah and her uncle?
Emily versus herself?
Sarah versus herself?

Who is telling the story?

*Rather, from whose point of view is the story told?

C. Emily’s struggle to make a choice

This passage describes Emily's internal struggle as she faces the dilemma of whether to cheat or not in order to have a chance at winning the contest against Sarah, who Emily suspects is receiving help from her uncle. Emily grapples with the choice of either compromising her values and cheating, or accepting defeat and maintaining her integrity and self-respect. The passage emphasizes Emily's decision to do her own best work despite the circumstances, ultimately losing the competition but staying true to her values.