Different sizes of ribbon need to be cut to go around various shapes for a craft project. All of the following sizes are in inches. Put the ribbon sizes in order from least to greatest in the blanks below. √6 2 1/2 −√1 7/2 3.3...

To put the ribbon sizes in order from least to greatest, you need to compare them and arrange them in ascending order. Let's go through each size and compare them one by one:

1. √6 (square root of 6)
To determine the value of √6, we can use a calculator or estimate it. The square root of 6 is approximately 2.449.

2. 2 1/2
2 1/2 is a mixed number, which is a combination of a whole number (2) and a fraction (1/2). To compare it with other numbers, we need to convert it to a decimal. 2 1/2 is equal to 2.5 in decimal form.

3. −√1 (negative square root of 1)
The square root of 1 is 1. If it has a negative sign in front of it, the value becomes -1.

4. 7/2 (7 divided by 2)
To compare 7/2 with other numbers, we convert it to a decimal. Dividing 7 by 2 gives us 3.5.

5. 3.3... (a recurring decimal)
The ellipsis (...) indicates that the decimal continues indefinitely. To compare it with other numbers, we need to determine the exact value. 3.3... is equal to 3.3333... (with the 3s repeating). As a decimal, it can be rounded to 3.33.

Now let's put the values in order from least to greatest:

-√1 < 2.449 (approximately square root of 6) < 2.5 < 3.33 (approximately 3.3...) < 3.5

Therefore, the ribbon sizes in order from least to greatest are:

−√1, √6, 2 1/2, 3.3..., 7/2

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