A car is traveling around a horizontal circular track with radius r = 200 m at a constant speed v = 15 m/s as shown. The angle θA = 31° above the x axis, and the angle θB = 66° below the x axis.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of vectors. Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Determine the velocity vector of the car.
The velocity vector can be obtained by separating the components of the velocity. Given that the car is traveling at a constant speed of 15 m/s, we can determine the x and y components using trigonometry.

The x-component of the velocity is given by:
v_x = v * cos(θ)

Substituting the values:
v_x = 15 * cos(31°)

The y-component of the velocity is given by:
v_y = v * sin(θ)

Substituting the values:
v_y = 15 * sin(31°)

Step 2: Calculate the acceleration vector.
Since the car is moving in a circle, it experiences centripetal acceleration towards the center of the circle. The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration can be calculated using the formula:

a_c = v^2 / r

Substituting the values:
a_c = 15^2 / 200

Step 3: Determine the direction of the acceleration vector.
The acceleration vector points towards the center of the circular track. Since the car is at position A, above the x-axis, the acceleration vector will point downwards.

Step 4: Calculate the acceleration vector components.
Since the acceleration vector points downwards, we can determine its y-component. The x-component will be zero, as there is no acceleration in the horizontal direction.

Step 5: Calculate the y-component of the acceleration.
The y-component of the acceleration can be calculated using the formula:

a_y = a_c * sin(θ)

Substituting the values:
a_y = (15^2 / 200) * sin(31°)

Step 6: Determine the x-component of the acceleration.
The x-component of the acceleration is zero.

Step 7: Calculate the angle θB.
To calculate the angle θB, we need to use the arctan function:

θB = arctan(a_y / a_x)

Since a_x is zero, the denominator becomes zero as well, which means the angle θB is undefined.

So, in summary:
- The velocity vector components are:
v_x = 15 * cos(31°)
v_y = 15 * sin(31°)

- The acceleration vector components are:
a_x = 0
a_y = (15^2 / 200) * sin(31°)

- The angle θB is undefined.