Patterns are everywhere. Some of them are geometrical and some of them are numerical. What is one way in which patterns can be used? Give a real-world example of a pattern and identify the terms and the sequence.

Got a few answers




Well in art you use patterns too make visual appealing artwork for people

Good ideas, Bruh



it can also be


One way in which patterns can be used is in predicting future outcomes or behaviors. By identifying patterns, we can make educated guesses about what might happen based on what has already occurred.

A real-world example of a pattern is weather forecasting. Meteorologists observe historical weather data to identify recurring patterns and use them to forecast future weather conditions. One such pattern is the seasonal cycle of temperatures. In many regions, temperatures tend to be colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, following a regular sequence. By analyzing this pattern, meteorologists can make predictions about the expected temperature range for each season.

In this example, the terms of the sequence are the different seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), and the pattern is the consistent increase or decrease in temperature between these seasons. By recognizing this pattern, meteorologists can make accurate forecasts for future weather conditions.