Studies peg the number of proteins in the human body to be around 10,000 to several billions. This diversity is a result of the differences in the structure of proteins. Which property of proteins affects its structure?

shape of amino groups

sequence of amino acids

number of carboxyl groups

bond between amino acids

I reread my lesson and found it .I overlooked the first time:-)

I am torn between B and D

would you like to share with the class??

The property of proteins that affects their structure is the sequence of amino acids.

To understand why, let's first discuss the basics of proteins. Proteins are large, complex molecules that are made up of smaller units called amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be arranged in different sequences to form a protein.

The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by the information encoded in the DNA of an organism. This sequence is critical because it determines the unique three-dimensional structure of the protein.

The structure of a protein is essential for its function. Proteins can have a variety of functions in the body, such as acting as enzymes, transporters, or structural components. The specific function of a protein is determined by its shape, which is directly influenced by the sequence of amino acids.

Different amino acids have different chemical properties, such as polarity or charge. These properties influence how the amino acids interact with each other and their surroundings. The sequence of amino acids determines the folding pattern or conformation of the protein, which is crucial for its function.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: sequence of amino acids. The specific sequence of amino acids in a protein ultimately determines its unique structure and function.