"Through taking this course I hope to gain ..."

This doesn't sound right to me. Is there a better way of putting it?
BY taking this course... ?
Please help, I can't think of a good way to begin my sentence. Thank you.


It sounds mushy to me, tending to be wordy.

This course will enable me to

This course will lead me to

I intend to learn in this course...

Okay. Thank you!

If you find the phrase "Through taking this course I hope to gain" awkward or want to vary your sentence structure, there are indeed alternative ways to express your intention. Here are a few suggestions:

1. "By enrolling in this course, I aim to acquire..."
2. "My goal in taking this course is to achieve..."
3. "Through this course, I aspire to obtain..."
4. "With the help of this course, I anticipate gaining..."

Feel free to select the phrase that best fits your writing style and conveys your intended meaning.