Drag and drop the elements of Roman culture and their creators to categorize them.




realistic sculpture




you do know people come here for the answers not the question right.

what is the answer

well im here the cheeck my answer if its right or not but i guess not bye

btw not trying to be rude bye

Oh, it's time to play a fun game of "Categorize Roman Style!" Here's what we've got:

- Realistic sculpture

- Aeneid (created by the talented Virgil)
- Plutarch (a historian and philosopher who wrote various works)

- Pantheon (this masterpiece was designed by none other than Marcus Agrippa, with later modifications by Emperor Hadrian)

Let the categories and the creativity flow, my friend!

To categorize the elements of Roman culture and their creators, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the elements of Roman culture
- The Aeneid: An epic poem written by the Roman poet Virgil, which tells the story of Aeneas and his journey from Troy to Italy, emphasizing Roman values.
- Pantheon: A Roman temple located in Rome, dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome. It is renowned for its architectural design and engineering.
- Plutarch: A Greek historian and biographer who lived in the Roman era. He wrote several works, including "Parallel Lives," which compares the lives of famous Greeks and Romans.
- Realistic sculpture: Refers to the art of creating lifelike sculptures that represent human figures or objects in a realistic manner.
- Architecture: Refers to the design and construction of buildings, structures, and public spaces.
- Art: Encompasses various forms of creative expression, including visual arts, sculpture, painting, and pottery.
- Literature: Refers to written works, such as poetry, novels, plays, and essays.

Step 2: Categorize the elements and their creators
- Literature: Aeneid (created by Virgil), Plutarch (wrote various works, including "Parallel Lives").
- Architecture: Pantheon (constructed by Roman architects).
- Art: Realistic sculpture (created by Roman sculptors).
- All of the above elements contribute to Roman culture in various ways.

By following these steps, you can categorize the elements of Roman culture and their respective creators correctly.

Please post your answers, and someone will check them.