In 2012, the total population of Florida was 3,158,697 people. What was the population in scientific notation, approximately?

Don't make sense

You want your difference after the first significant digit

3,158,697 = 3.158697 x 10^6

count how many places I moved the decimal.
Any relation with the exponent on 10 ??

answer: 3.2x10^6

:D hope this helps <3

Well, that's a pretty big number! In scientific notation, we write numbers as a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10. In this case, the population of Florida in 2012 can be written as approximately 3.16 x 10^6. So, it looks like Florida had quite a few people clowning around back then!

To express a number in scientific notation, you need to rewrite it in the form of A x 10^B, where A is a number between 1 and 10, and B is an exponent that represents the number of zeros in the original number.

To determine the population of Florida in scientific notation, we start by counting the number of digits in the original number (3,158,697). In this case, there are 7 digits. We then move the decimal point in the number to the left or right until there is only one digit to the left of the decimal point.

Since the original number is already in millions, we can rewrite it as 3.158697 million (3.158697 x 10^6). This means that A is 3.158697 and B is 6.

Therefore, the population of Florida in scientific notation is approximately 3.158697 x 10^6.

yes it does