What’s quantitative data was collected in order to determine the winner of the design challenge

A:distance (cm)
B:time (sec) and distance (cm) to calculate speed
C: amount of water (ml) to be sure the reaction continues to come to completion
D: water temperatures (c) and mass of tablet (gm) to calculate rate of reaction

What design challenge?

To determine the winner of the design challenge, quantitative data was collected. The options provided are:

A: Distance (cm): This data might have been collected to evaluate the distance covered by an object or to measure the displacement between two points.

B: Time (sec) and distance (cm) to calculate speed: This data would have been collected to measure the time taken to cover a certain distance and calculate the speed of the object. It helps determine how fast an object is moving.

C: Amount of water (ml) to be sure the reaction continues to come to completion: This data would have been collected to measure the amount of water needed for a reaction to reach completion. It ensures that the reaction has sufficient water to proceed effectively.

D: Water temperatures (°C) and mass of tablet (g) to calculate the rate of reaction: This data would have been collected to measure the temperature of the water and the mass of a tablet. It helps to calculate the rate at which a reaction is occurring.

Based on the given options, the most likely quantitative data collected to determine the winner of the design challenge would be Option D: water temperatures (°C) and mass of tablet (g) to calculate the rate of reaction.