Find the mass of sucrose molecular Mass 342 required to be dissolved in 600 cm ³ solution to prepare a semi molar solution

To prepare a semi-molar solution of sucrose, we need to calculate the mass of sucrose required to be dissolved in 600 cm³ of solution.

The molecular mass of sucrose (C12H22O11) is 342 g/mol.

A semi-molar solution means that we need half the molar amount of a substance dissolved in a specific volume of solvent.

To calculate the mass of sucrose required, we need to determine the number of moles needed.

Molar mass of sucrose = 342 g/mol

Number of moles = (1/2) * (600 cm³ / 1000 cm³/L) = 0.3 mol

Mass of sucrose = Number of moles * Molar mass
= 0.3 mol * 342 g/mol
= 102.6 g

Therefore, the mass of sucrose required to prepare a semi-molar solution in 600 cm³ of solution is 102.6 grams.

To find the mass of sucrose required to prepare a semi-molar solution, we need to first determine the molar mass of sucrose and understand what a semi-molar solution means.

1. Molar mass of sucrose (C12H22O11):
- Sucrose is composed of 12 carbon atoms (C), 22 hydrogen atoms (H), and 11 oxygen atoms (O).
- The atomic masses of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are approximately 12 g/mol, 1 g/mol, and 16 g/mol, respectively.
- Multiply the number of atoms by their respective atomic masses and add them together:
(12 * 12) + (22 * 1) + (11 * 16) = 144 + 22 + 176 = 342 g/mol

2. What is a semi-molar solution?
- A molar solution is one in which 1 mole of solute is dissolved in 1 liter of solvent (i.e., 1 mole/L or 1 M).
- A semi-molar solution would require half the molar concentration of a molar solution (i.e., 0.5 M).

3. Calculation of mass for a semi-molar solution:
- Given that the solution volume is 600 cm³, we need to convert it to liters.
- 1 cm³ is equal to 1 mL and 1 L is equal to 1000 mL, so 600 cm³ is equal to 600/1000 = 0.6 L.

- To calculate the required mass for a 0.5 M solution:
Mass (g) = Molar concentration (mol/L) x Volume (L) x Molar mass (g/mol)
Mass (g) = 0.5 mol/L x 0.6 L x 342 g/mol
Mass (g) = 102.6 g

Therefore, the mass of sucrose required to dissolve in 600 cm³ of solution to prepare a semi-molar solution is 102.6 grams.

moles sucrose needed = M x L = ?

Then mols = grams/molar mass. You know mols and molar mass, solve for grams. .