Which of these causes of migration is an example of a pull factor?

C.job availability
D.an earthquake
I need help can somebody give me the answer

it is c.

poverty is being poor or in a poor town or city.
warfare is war.
and earthquakes is a natural disaster.

the only good thing is available jobs.
and if there is good jobs that are available, that will want people to move to that location. that is a pull factor.

Which one of those choices would "pull" people to move somewhere for their benefit?

your welcome

thank you so much

Sure! I can help you with that. To identify which cause of migration is an example of a pull factor, we need to understand what pull factors are.

Pull factors are circumstances or conditions in a destination country or area that attract people to migrate there. They can include factors such as better economic opportunities, political stability, job availability, access to education or healthcare, or a higher standard of living.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

A. Warfare: Warfare is typically considered a push factor, meaning it forces people to flee their homes and migrate away from conflict zones.

B. Poverty: Poverty is also usually considered a push factor because it represents a difficult living condition that people potentially want to escape.

C. Job availability: This is an example of a pull factor because it refers to the presence of employment opportunities that attract people to migrate to a particular place in search of work.

D. An earthquake: This is not typically considered a pull factor; it is more of an environmental disaster or natural event that can be seen as a push factor if it forces people to leave their homes.

Based on the explanations above, the answer to your question is C. Job availability, as it represents a pull factor that attracts people to migrate.